Comprehensive Plan: Updated Plan Adopted on November 6th, 2024
In June of 2022, the Town Board contracted with the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to update to the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan was unanimously adopted by the Town Board on November 6, 2024, via Ordinance 2024-9. This action followed a recommendation from the Plan Commission via Resolution at their October 16th meeting. The Comprehensive Plan will act as the main planning document for the Town with a plan year out to 2050 (will be revisited every 10 years).
Click Here: Comprehensive Plan
Comprehensive Plan Open House: September 18th from 5:30pm-7pm, Town Hall: Press Release: Open House
Click here: Open House Informational Sheet 9-18-24
Public comment period was September 16th - October 9th. Public comment was also accepted at the Public Hearing held at the November 6th Town Board meeting.
Comprehensive Planning Resources
- Wisconsin Department of Administration Comprehensive Planning Fact Sheet
- Wisconsin Department of Administration Comprehensive Planning webpage with inventory of plans
- SEWRPC Comprehensive Planning website
- City of Cedarburg Planning Web Page
Zoning Code Update: In-Progress
Press Release: Zoning Code Open House April 29th 6-7:30pm
Below are a set of maps and land use table from the Open House on April 29th.
Proposed Draft Updated Zoning Map
Proposed Draft Updated Zoning Map showing only properties that have proposed zoning changes
DRAFT Land Use Table from Open House 4-29-2024
The Town Board approved a separate scope of services with SEH (Short Elliot Hendrickson) in the summer of 2023 to update the Zoning Code. The update will contemplate a refreshed vision of the 5 Corners Town Center, and reflect the 20-year boundary agreement reached with the City of Cedarburg in 2021 to guide growth a responsible manner. The Zoning Code is the backbone of Town land use and daily implementation. The project does not have an anticipated end date, with work ongoing. The Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan are to be consistent with one another, so completing both projects concurrently has many benefits.
Open House: The Plan Commission held an Open House for viewing of the progress on the Zoning Code update on April 29th. The Open House followed two workshop visioning sessions held in late 2023 with the Town Board, and reviews by the Plan Commission at their February and March meetings. The Open House featured the existing Zoning Map, draft proposed Zoning Map, along with a detailed list of land uses broken down by zoning district that would be proposed to be allowed as principal uses and conditional uses. Staff from SEH presented a summary of the work to date, which primarily addresses the Town Center and business districts, took questions and comments, and provided comment cards. The Town also mailed out notices to property owners affected by the Zoning Code update, and published a notice in the News Graphic. The Zoning Code chapter is likely to be adopted through several separate ordinances (not all at once with one ordinance), and the Comprehensive Plan amended at the completion of the Zoning Code project to meet the statutory consistency requirement.