Landmark Preservation Award Application: Click Here
The Town of Cedarburg Landmarks Commission is soliciting applications for the Landmark Preservation Award in 2025. The application window will be open January 1 through May 1.
- Preservation of a home, barn, outbuilding, or other significant structure by restoration of its architectural character, structural integrity and state of repair to ensure its future.
The Landmarks Commission offers this award to encourage the preservation of century-old structures, in keeping with the rural character of the Town and its historic agricultural heritage. Structures that qualify for nomination in 2025 must be built before 1925.
To view the application, please click here, or stop into Town Hall during normal business hours. The deadline to apply for the award is May 1, 2025. If a winner is chosen, the announcement will be in late April, with an award ceremony to follow.
Questions can be directed to Asst. Admin./Clerk Sara Jacoby at (262) 377-4509 ext. 4 or