Request a public record

For public record request inquiries, contact Assistant Administrator/Clerk Sara Jacoby 262-377-4509

Contact the Assistant Administrator/Clerk via email at

Public Records Requests

Notice of Public Records Accessibility

According to a Wisconsin Department of Justice document on Wisconsin Public Records Law: "The purpose of the Wisconsin public records law is to shed light on the workings of government and the acts of public officers and employees."

"The Wisconsin public records law authorizes requesters to inspect or obtain copies of "records" maintained by government "authorities." The identity of the requester or the reason why the requester wants particular records generally does not matter for purposes of the public records law. Records are presumed to be open to inspection and copying, but there are some exceptions. Requirements of the public records law apply to records that exist at the time a public records request is made. The public records law does not require authorities to provide requested information if no responsive record exists, and generally does not require authorities to create new records in order to fulfill public records requests."*

Town record requests should be made in writing to either the Assistant Administrator/Clerk or Town Administrator. Your written request does not need to be in any particular form but it will help us respond more quickly if you include a clear and specific description of the records you are requesting, including the subject and dates of the records requested. Records will be available for inspection and copying during all regular office hours (Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm). There is a copying fee of $0.25 per printed sheet and other fees may be applicable.

Anyone with a disability who requires accommodation to access Town records should notify us of their accommodation needs. For additional information on the Town's policy on public records, see Chapter 70 of the Town Code.

*Source: Wisconsin Public Records Law Wis. Stat. §§ 19.31-19.39 COMPLIANCE OUTLINE August 2009 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ATTORNEY GENERAL J.B. VAN HOLLEN