Road Improvements

Road Construction Projects

The Town financed $5 million for a road/bridge improvement plan during 2022-2024. This significant investment will raise the overall level of road conditions throughout the Town. The tax impact of the work is estimated at $0.31/$1,000 of assessed value, which was seen on tax bills beginning in December of 2022. Multiple grants were obtained during the capital investment period, including grant funding towards Cedar Sauk Road, Columbia Road, Sherman Road, and the Covered Bridge automobile bridge. Additional cost-sharing projects with neighboring communities included Susan Lane, Sycamore Drive, and Hilltop Drive through intergovernmental agreements. Savings that were realized through these efforts allowed for funds to be allocated toward modernizing the Town equipment fleet. Efforts continue to obtain additional grant funding for capital projects.

County, State and Inter-Municipal projects are also shown, but are not managed by the Town.


Project Contact 2025 Town Managed Road Projects
Adam Monticelli
Director of Public Works
Phone: (262) 377-4509
Email: Adam

Project Summary: No major roadway resurfacing is planned for the 2025 construction year due the extent of the resurfacing work 2022-2024. This allows time to analyze the overall condition rating of Town roads following the work to see the positive impact the investment had on the PASER rating for the Finance Committee and Town Board to plan for future investments. The Town Public Works Crew will be completing the following projects this spring and summer:

  • Shoulder work
  • Minor culvert replacements
  • Drainage excavation and grading
  • Bridge repairs, and
  • Noxious weed removal

Current Project Status: Ongoing



Project Contact 2025 Town Road Project
Adam Monticelli
Director of Public Works
Phone: (262) 377-4509
Email: Adam
Project Summary: The Town of Saukville will be the lead municipality for the reconstruction of Cedar Sauk Rd from Northwood Dr to CTH I.  This is a continuation of the reconstruction project that was completed two years ago on the west end of Cedar Sauk Rd. The project is being partially funded by a WisDOT grant and will be cost shared between the Town of Cedarburg and Town of Saukville.  The project will consist of resurfacing, re-shouldering, replace damaged guardrail, and remark the roadway in the project area.

Current Project Status: Ongoing



Project Contact 2025 Ozaukee County Projects 
Jon Edgren
Oz. Co. Highway Dept.
Phone: (262) 284-8331
Email Jon Edgren
Project Summary:  Ozaukee County will be conducting some form of surface rejuvenation on CTH I from Lilac Ln to STH 33, the extent of the work or timeline has not yet been determined by Ozaukee County. Please contact Ozaukee County Highway Department with any questions.

Current Project Status: Ongoing


  I-43 North-South Reconstruction

State of Wisconsin Managed Project

Scheduled for 2021-2025+.

WisDOT Project website: Click here to view the webpage.

Project Contact

Steve Hoff

(262) 548-6718



Project Summary: The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will be expanding I-43 (North-South Freeway) from Silver Spring Dr. to WIS 60 from 2021 through 2025. The expansion will consist of expanding I-43 from four to six lanes, the reconstruction of five existing interchanges along the corridor, and the replacement of the Union Pacific railroad bridge over 1-43 in Glendale. Also a section of Port Washington Road in Glendale will be expanded from two lanes to four lanes.

Site improvements will include replacing deteriorating pavement and bridges, reducing congestion, improving safety and efficiency, improving or replacing existing interchanges, and minimizing impacts to natural and built environments.

Project Construction Packages:

  • I-43 and Highland Road Diamond Interchange (2022-2023)
  • I-43 and Port Washington Road Interchange (2022 to mid-2023)
  • I-43 and WIS 100 Diverging Diamond Interchange (2023-2024)
  • I-43 and Mequon Road Diamond Interchange (late 2023-2024)


Project Contact

Nguyen Ly

(262) 548-8739

Project Summary: The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is proposing future roadway improvements along WIS 60 in Ozaukee County.

State of Wisconsin Managed Project

Scheduled for 2029

WisDOT Project website: Click here to view the webpage.

This project is tentatively scheduled for 2029 construction.  WIS 60, from Five Corners Drive to 1st Avenue, will be resurfaced and the bridge over Cedar Creek will receive a surface sealer. The traffic signals will be replaced at the intersections of WIS 60 with WIS 181, County I, Keup Road. Sidewalk ramps throughout the project will be upgraded to ADA standards, and new sidewalk will be constructed at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of WIS 60 and Washington Avenue. Culverts and guardrails will be replaced, and drainage work will include inlet replacements and grading around the bridge.

WIS 60 will be open to traffic during construction.