Ordinances & Resolutions

Town Code of Ordinances

To view the Town of Cedarburg Code of Ordinances please select this link.

2024 Ordinances & Resolutions

Resolution No. Effective Date Summary of Resolution
2024-1 1/3/2024 Resolution Approving 2024 Annual Fee Schedule


2024-2 1/10/2024 Resolution Authorizing a Referendum for the Town of Cedarburg to Allow the Town to Exceed the State Imposed Levy Limit for the Purposes to Increase Funding to Hire and Retain Additional Fire and Emergency Medical Services Personnel for the Cedarburg Fire Department Beginning with the 2024 Levy (Collected in 2025) and on an Ongoing Basis
2024-3 2/7/2024 Resolution Approving an Amended Town Administrator Employment Agreement


2024 Ordinances

Ordinance No. Effective Date Summary of Ordinance
2024-1 1/3/2024 Ordinance Amending Chapter 154 Fire Prevention, of the Town of Cedarburg Code of Ordinances, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
2024-2 3/6/2024 Ordinance Amending Section 320-21(C) of the B-3 Business District of the Town of Cedarburg Zoning Code, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin, Regarding Professional Dog Car Services
2024-3 3/27/2024 Ordinance Amending Chapter 320: Zoning of the Town of Cedarburg Code of Ordinances in Regard to the M-2 Planned Industrial and Mixed Use District
2024-4 5/1/2024 Ordinance Rezoning Land and Amending the Zoning Map for ~1.57 acres of land from A-1 Agricultural to E-1 Estate Residential for the ~15.31 acre parcel with tax key 03-019-14-008.00, and a separate ~1.57 acres of land from E-1 Estate Residential to A-1 Agricultural for the property at 992 Elm Road in the Town of Cedarburg, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin.
2024-5 6/5/2024 Ordinance
Amending Section 320-21 subsection C, of the B-3 Business District of the Town of Cedarburg Zoning Code, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin.
2024-6 7/10/2024 Ordinance Amending Chapter 232 Parks and Recreation facilities and related permitting/fees and enforcement of such ordinance of the Town of Cedarburg Code of Ordinances, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

To view past Resolutions & Ordinances use the links below: